Apply and Remove Press-Ons

How to Apply Press On Nails

  1. Cut and file free edge of natural nail.
  2. Use orange wood stick to push cuticles back.
  3. Buff natural nail with buffer, then wipe nail with alcohol wipe to remove oils and debris.
  4. Place glue, or tab on inside bottom portion of nail tip. If wearing for extended time place glue on nail natural nail too.
  5. Apply tip to finger. Hold for 10-15 seconds.


How To Remove Press On Nails

  1. Put cuticle oil around cuticle and let sit for about 2 minutes.
  2. Fill bowl with hot soapy water.
  3. Soak nails for about 10 minutes. Use orange wood stick to go carefully under the side walls and push gently towards middle of nail until they pop off.


NOTE: Please be patient with soak off. Most likely it will take longer than 12 minutes.